Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance will deliver remarks at a Rally in Henderson, Nevada on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at 1:00PM MST.
The Democrats and Kamala Harris are serious about destroying the middle class and they are doing it with one bad policy after another. Their decision to allow President Trump’s tax cuts to expire next year will cost the average taxpayer in Nevada an additional $3.523 per year.
Higher taxes will cripple Nevada families already struggling to pay for higher costs for groceries, gas, and energy. A Latino voter in Nevada claims that voters are “starting to wake up,” and that Democrats policies are getting it “wrong.” Another voter from Nevada claimed she switched parties to become a Republican because she wants fewer taxes on small businesses.
JD Vance is heartbroken to see the path of death and destruction left behind by Kamala Harris and her activist friends. As Vice President, JD Vance will help President Trump fight to ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in Nevada! We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.
Date and Time
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
1:00PM MST
Liberty High School
3700 Liberty Heights Ave
Henderson, NV 89052
Timeline of Events
10:00AM – Doors Open
1:00PM – Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance Delivers Remarks
General Admission Tickets
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