Crooked Joe Biden showed up over an hour late to deliver a 17-minute speech before a pitiful crowd in Madison, Wisconsin, today — which he slurred entirely from his giant teleprompter.
It was one humiliating blunder after another:
Crooked Joe thought it was 2020: "I will beat him again in 2020!"
Crooked Joe claimed the jobs numbers announced this morning were actually announced yesterday (on Independence Day — a federal holiday).
Crooked Joe threatened to "exile" President Trump.
Crooked Joe battled his teleprompter (repeatedly).
Crooked Joe struggled with numbers: "Five billion trillion trillion not billion five trillion!"
Crooked Joe got lost trying to leave the stage: "Where am I going?"
Crooked Joe proclaimed he was going to "come in the overflow room" (and we don't even want to know what that meant).
If Crooked Joe Biden can’t even make it through a teleprompter speech without embarrassing himself, how can he be trusted with another term?
He can’t — but that won’t stop the same lying, cheating Democrats who perpetrated the fraud that is his presidency from propping him up once again.
President Trump will dispatch Crooked Joe on a permament retirement soon enough.